We are MDC
So that the solution is sustainable, it needs to be sustainable in the long term.
MDC is the long-term solution.
Thus, we invest in technological progress so that we can deal with market challenging factors in short, mid and long term.
Established in 2006 and operating in 13 states, MDC invests energy assets, with presence in all natural gas chain, biomethane, renewable electric power and steam through biomass.
The group work is performed from production to processing to supply and marketing to end consumer. Thus, MDC consolidates its integrated and innovative operation model. By means of operations of subsidiaries Energias Renováveis do Brasil (ERB), Companhia Distribuidora de Gás Natural (CDGN) and Ecometano, our group offers a wide long term sustainable energy solution portfolio to corporate customers.
Our business is developed with synergy and its base is the sustainability tripod - economic, social and environmental and governance. By means of group company integration, the Company manages to offer solutions with competitive prices to every customer, and it also mitigates risks involved.
The environmental commitment is inherent to business developed in our Company. Currently, around 85% of energy delivered to customers have sustainable or renewable origin. Thus, our end activity is aligned with transition to low carbon economy experienced by the world and accelerated by ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) agenda.
Todas as nossas atividades têm como foco o atendimento ao cliente e a preocupação em oferecer um energético sustentável aliado ao propósito da empresa.
All our activities focus is servicing customer and concern with offering sustainable energy, along with the company purpose. For that matter, the Company invests in reliability, assuring high quality standards, compliance with the most strict safety standards, service continuity and operation monitoring in a center that manages all chain online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Our projects are real.
We work with focus on three fronts:
electric power and steam production from biomass sources.
renewable gas production (biomethane).
Natural gas
natural gas marketing and supply through multimodal service (CNG, LNG, among others).
Renewable energy
MDC in numbers
We rely on a team with 380 employees
We plant 2.2 million trees a year
We generate more than 90 thousand CBios a year in Federal Government RenovaBio program
We prevent every year 1,048 CO2 ton emission
We have 13 operations all over Brazil
Our operation center generates all chain online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
We generate around 150,000 MWh of electricity per year and purify over 60 million m³ of biogas
Only in 2021, our social actions impacted around three thousand people
For MDC, developing business requires planning and work, resulting in value generation to company and all society. Along the years, the group path has stood out by ongoing growth to current operation consolidation.
Learn about this history main milestones in the following timeline:
CDGN operation start, one of MDC´s subsidiaries.
Operation start in Campo Morro do Barro, first onshore with Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) supply in Brazil.
Ecometano establishment, subsidiary designed to develop renewable gas projects (Biomethane).
Operation start of Brazil´s first biomethane plant (GNR Dois Arcos, one of Ecometano´s operations).
ERB acquisition, subsidiary that produces renewable energy and steam by means of biomass
GNR Fortaleza operation start, one of Ecometano´s operations. This is the first and only biomethane plant with duct injection, and it has been the first one certified by RenovaBio in Brazil.
New partnerships are established with onshore well gas producers, consolidating CDGN as a solution to gas alternative supply.
Consolidation of every operation is performed under MDC, concentrating the group management on the holding company.